Bent by Elephants
What seduces in the first bars of the songs of the second album of Bent by Elephants, this Montreal group which survived everything and even a fire in the room? A certain way of organizing the space, something very scattered and very connected at the same time: the arrangements, with the help of the very effective Michael Feuerstack (Mr. Snailhouse), make each instrument breathe separately, in perfect cohesion nevertheless . There is this kite voice of Chesley Walsh, which hardly seems attached to the melody, but casually respects its aerial corridor. There are the singular finds of guitarist Luke Fowlie, who seems to move in a world apart, but remains at the center of the very bewitching songs. Add a strolling bass, here and there a trumpet, keyboards, allowing modulations and collisions, but never preventing the return to the vast playground. Brave and fascinating adventure that theirs.